52 Week Project - Week 1/52

In my last blog post, I have mentioned that I will be starting a 52 week project for the year of 2016. I began the 365 Project in 2015 for a little while, and it became too overwhelming trying to keeping up with taking a photo once a day and balancing work load at the same time. I am looking forward to this project and sharing my life with you. My posts will be every Sunday or Monday of the week. My husband and I bought this chair a few days ago for the boy's nursery and ever since, I enjoy taking some time for myself to sit and daydream, taking it all in that there will be two little boy's in our lives in the next few months. Being only 22 and 1/2 weeks pregnant, I look around at what we did to the nursery so far, image tandem nursing them from this chair late at night and then imagine them grown and standing up in their cribs, talking to one another in baby gibberish and listening to their little giggles. They will be best of friends.

I want them to be born healthy. I want to be strong when situations get difficult and days get exhausting. I overall want to be a good mommy. That is my resolution.
